It is natural to find pests in your garden; your garden serves as a food source to both friendly and unfriendly pests. However, you can still keep pests out of your garden without bringing harm to your health, and the ecosystem.

Diatomaceous Earth

Also known as DE is an effective way of keeping pests from ruining your plants organically. Diatomaceous Earth is a fine powder gotten from the fossilized remains of small, aquatic organisms who have skeletons that are rich in a natural substance called silica.

These minuscule fossils serve as a natural insecticide; it consists of razor sharp edges, which do not have any effect on humans but can cut and kill parasites and small insects like snails, aphids, ants, earwigs, cockroaches, and slugs. Sprinkle DE on the affected areas, using a dust applicator bottle or by hand. Repeat the process after it rains; DE washes off, after rainfall, you need to reapply for it to be effective.

Neem oil

Neem oil is an extract gotten from the neem tree; it is a natural pesticide, medical herb, and insect repellent, which has a bitter taste and garlic odor.

Neem oil does not have an adverse effect on birds, bees, mammals and plants. Pour a teaspoon of neem oil, and a half teaspoon of soap into a quart of warm water. Mix thoroughly and apply it to all parts of the affected plant.

Epsom Salt Pesticide

Epsom salt is another natural way combat pests in your garden; you can either spray or sprinkle Epsom salt pesticide.

Dissolve one cup of the salts in five gallons of water, pour into a spray bottle and apply to the affected plants. It will deter slugs and beetles from your garden. For the sprinkling method; sprinkle Epsom salts around the base of your plants, and reapply every other week; it will prevent pests from disturbing your plants as well as increasing nutrition absorption.

Epsom salts consist of magnesium, which enables plants to take up nutrients like phosphorus, nitrogen and sulfur.

Garlic Spray

Garlic is one of the oldest medicines for centuries; it has antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral properties.

These healing properties can be used as a natural pesticide in your garden. So if you are looking for a potent, cost-effective, and organic pesticide, then opt-in for garlic spray.

How to make a Garlic spray

It is easy to prepare; peel and crush the cloves from five bulbs of garlic and pour into a bowl of water (17 oz) leave it for six hours.

Add a drop of natural dish soap, and then filter the solution using a fine strainer.

Dilute the mixture with a gallon of water, and pour into a spray bottle. There you have it, your very own garlic spray.

Spray the mix on the plants once a week

However, if you have a vegetable garden, do not use garlic spray close to harvest time; it may affect the food flavors. Also, garlic spray kills all bugs, including the friendly bugs, only spray on the affected plants.

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